Hello guys, I want to tell you about something very funny that happened to me today at the gym, at around 7 in the morning I got up, made myself some delicious scrambled eggs with bacon, had my coffee and then got ready to go out to the gym. When I was on my way I saw that it was very hot, and I almost regretted going, but then I decided that it was a good idea to train a little, in the middle of my training I saw a very handsome white boy who was staring at me, we exchanged glances. at the gym but no one had the audacity to approach the other, a while later when I finished my training session, and I went to the shower I saw the same white boy in the shower, a sculptural and very carved body. At that precise moment he was putting soap on his body and my gaze was directed at his penis, which was half erect. The boy realized that I was looking at him and turned around to show me his buttocks. I automatically became horny and began to pull my cock, if we care who else might be in the showers. Then he motions for me to come closer to him and when I walk he kneels down and starts sucking my fat black cock. He was surprised at how big my cock was but he still kept choking on it. Then he gets up and I look at his His cock is dripping and he tells me that he wants to come on my abs. I lowered myself a little and helped him. His cock was very hard and about to burst. A few minutes passed when he filled my entire abdomen with his rich, thick semen. Then the boy told me. That where I want to throw myself, I told him that in his face and he knelt down and while he was licking my balls I ended up all over his face, it was one of the hottest and strangest experiences I have had in a gym.
Everyone is welcome to this room, which will be full of pleasures, morbidity and a lot of fun for you.
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