I like to travel, visit new cities, countries, get acquainted with new people. See people and show yourself - very interesting and exciting ! I try to study different countries, religions and customs. To combine a pleasant vacation, with useful information and simply develop as a person - all that I love and I like !
Just when I'm in the Gym I have no problems except one - Gym does not ask who I walked with, how many I slept, ate, drank, how I recovered, how I feel. What I did and what I did not do before training. Its just not fucking.If the forces are not enough at this moment, this moment, it will simply slip out of the hands and collapse on the floor, or worse it will crush me.Then it's iron to filter out cold. The ideal measure, the ideal opponent who will make me stronger. So it was in martial arts, the coach did not ask why I did not get it, he just beat with a stick and demanded to perform an exercise, kick, throw, etc.. When I was wearing gloves and gasping for myself in a kappa no one worried about how much I earned, no one was blaming me, but simply had one simple task - to become better
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