We've stayed. At five in the afternoon I'll fetch her home. She's alone. Her roommates have been out to dinner and a few drinks and we'll both have at least four hours to enjoy ourselves. Not long ago we know, but it drives me crazy: his wild mane, her full lips, her slender body, her mischievous smile ...Arrive on time. I opened the door with his eyes set on fire in passion. I can not wait to drink from his lips. We enter. It has prepared a delicious dinner: salmon canapes, baked chicken and dessert dessert ... and her. We chatted. We laugh. I tell stories about when I was little. The connection between us is palpable. The chemistry is undeniable. Had a drink, then another. I propose a movie: Fifty Shades of Gray. After a while we feel like recreating one of his hottest scenes. The atmosphere begins to turn. I spend my tongue over my upper lip. I begin to revel in the pleasure that is about to arrive.
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