Heey, tomorrow i ll go to the university! Last visit this year and the last steps to have Bachelor Degree. Can u guess what subject ?
Heh, CONGRATULATIONS to the smartest girl here! I ve just passed my last exam this year! It was hard, but we did it! ;)
Honestly, ut is my last year at the university! And the most hardest now! Need your suppost and congratulations whan i ll recieve the Bachelor Degree! VERY SOON! Few steps to do and we will win this life!
Honestly I haven been here for a long time because I was ill! High temperature made me feel helpless. But now I am back! Lets relax and repair!
Only few days with such a small price for pvt! Don't miss the time we can enjoy!
Hi guys, I'm so happy to tell you that I'm back! I am madly interested in communicating with new people. I'm ready for new acquaintances, fun time
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